Watertown Family Connections follows the WUSD calendar,  WFC will not hold programming on the following dates:   March 28th – April 1st (Spring Break). 

Additionally, if the WUSD is closed due to severe weather, etc there will be no programming at Watertown Family Connections.

Tantrums Triple P Workshops (Virtual)

The first time your toddler throws a tantrum can be startling, sometimes embarrassing, and often overwhelming. Tantrums can start at around 12 months of age as toddlers begin to become more independent. They are quite common for two-year-olds but become less common by ages three and four if handled correctly. As children grow and learn, […]

Balancing Family and Work – Triple P Group Discussion (Virtual)

It’s the most important juggling act in your life. ParentEducatorsr will show you how to keep your focus and not drop the ball. This parenting workshop/group discussion series is completely free and held via zoom. You will need a working email address to receive Zoom links and a computer or smartphone. Must be registered to […]

Bedtime Problems- Triple P Parenting Group Discussion Workshop

Watertown Public Library 2nd Floor Confrence Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

Children need a good night's sleep so they can have enough energy for the next day's activities. Parents also need adequate sleep and some child-free time to ensure their own needs are being met. Toddlers can learn to become more independent in their sleep routine and be less demanding than infants. The goal is for […]

Seperation Problems- Triple P Group Discussion

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

TP Group Discussion WCF Fall 23 All children have to learn to cope with temporary separations from their parents. Learning to be apart can be difficult for parents and children. However, parents need time to themselves occasionally and children benefit from spending time with other people. Shyness around new people and anxiety about separation from […]

Triple P- Parenting Course

Fall 2023 Level 4 TP The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program’s simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world. There are five classroom sessions and three (15-30 minute) individual consultations as you try your selected strategies (Phone/ Zoom). Triple P makes positive, effective parenting a habit! Learn the causes of the […]

Triple P- Parenting Course

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

Fall 2023 Level 4 TP The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program’s simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world. There are five classroom sessions and three (15-30 minute) individual consultations as you try your selected strategies (Phone/ Zoom). Triple P makes positive, effective parenting a habit! Learn the causes of the […]

Triple P Workshop- Developing Healthy Screen Time Routines (VIRTUAL)

Triple P Workshop- Developing Healthy Screen Time Routines Welcome to our online workshop on developing healthy screen time routines! In this interactive session, we will explore practical strategies to help you and your family establish a balanced approach to screen time. Join us as we discuss the benefits of limiting screen time, setting boundaries, and […]