Watertown Family Connections follows the WUSD calendar,  WFC will not hold programming on the following dates:   March 28th – April 1st (Spring Break). 

Additionally, if the WUSD is closed due to severe weather, etc there will be no programming at Watertown Family Connections.

Protective Factors Training-Intro to Protective Factors and Knowledge of Parenting

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

There is extensive research linking healthy child development to effective parenting. Children thrive when parents provide not only affection but also respectful communication and listening consistent rules and expectations, and safe opportunities that promote independence. Successful parenting fosters psychological adjustment, helps children succeed in school, encourages curiosity about the world, and motivates children to achieve. […]

Protective Factors Training-Social and Emotional Competence

Parents/Caregivers support healthy social and emotional development in children when they model how to express and communicate emotions effectively, self-regulate, and make friends. A child's social and emotional competence is crucial to sound relationships with family, adults, and peers. Conversely, delayed social-emotional development may obstruct healthy relationships. Early identification of such delays and early assistance […]

Protective Factors Training-Parental Resilience

Parents/Caregivers who can cope with the stresses of everyday life, as well as an occasional crisis, have resilience; they have the flexibility and inner strength necessary to bounce back when things are not going well. Multiple life stressors, such as a family history of abuse or neglect, health problems, marital conflict, or domestic or community […]

Protective Factors Training -Concrete Support

Many factors can affect a family's ability to care for its children. Partnering with parents to identify and access resources in the community may help prevent the stress that sometimes precipitates child maltreatment. Providing concrete support may also help prevent the unintended neglect that sometimes occurs when parents are unable to provide for their children. […]

Protective Factors Training-Social Connections

Watertown Public Library Community Room 100 S Water St., Watertown, WI, United States

Parents and caregivers with a social network of emotionally supportive friends, family, and neighbors often find that it is easier to care for their children and themselves compared with those who do not have such a network. All caregivers need people they can call on once in a while when they need a sympathetic listener, […]