Watertown Family Connections follows the WUSD calendar,  WFC will not hold programming on the following dates:   March 28th – April 1st (Spring Break). 

Additionally, if the WUSD is closed due to severe weather, etc there will be no programming at Watertown Family Connections.

Raising Confident Competent Children Raising Resilient Children – Virtual

A parenting series that will describe positive parenting strategies. Seminar topics to include:Raising Confident Competent Children Raising Resilient Children This parenting seminar is completely free and held via zoom. You will need a working email address to receive Zoom links and a computer or smart phone. Choose your Session to Attend: 2/16 at 6:30pm or  […]


We follow the Watertown Unified School District Calendar.  When they are closed, so is WFC!  

PACE Playgroup #2 (10:30am)

Fun and creative activities and play creates an atmosphere where children will be stimulated and nurtured in a safe environment. Weekly themes incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) will be brought to life in art projects, activities and story time. Parents/caregivers will learn about their child’s development, share parenting experiences, offer support, and […]

PACE Playgroup #2 (10:30am)

For children ages 0 – 5 and their parents/caregivers Fun and creative activities and play creates an atmosphere where children will be stimulated and nurtured in a safe environment. Weekly themes incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) will be brought to life in art projects, activities and story time. Parents/caregivers will learn about […]

PACE Playgroup #2 (9am)

For children ages 0 – 5 and their parents/caregivers Fun and creative activities and play creates an atmosphere where children will be stimulated and nurtured in a safe environment. Weekly themes incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) will be brought to life in art projects, activities and story time. Parents/caregivers will learn about […]

PACE Playgroup #2 (10:30am)

For children ages 0 – 5 and their parents/caregivers Fun and creative activities and play creates an atmosphere where children will be stimulated and nurtured in a safe environment. Weekly themes incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) will be brought to life in art projects, activities and story time. Parents/caregivers will learn about […]

Triple P Group Parenting Course (In Person Class)

The Triple P - Positive Parenting Program's simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world. There are five classroom sessions and three (15-30 minute) individual consultations as you try your selected strategies (Phone/ Zoom). Triple P makes positive, effective parenting a habit! Learn the causes of the behavior problems Encourage better behaviors […]

PACE Playgroup #2 (10:30am)

For children ages 0 – 5 and their parents/caregivers Fun and creative activities and play creates an atmosphere where children will be stimulated and nurtured in a safe environment. Weekly themes incorporating STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) will be brought to life in art projects, activities and story time. Parents/caregivers will learn about […]

Raising Confident Competent Children – Triple P Seminar (Virtual)

A parenting series that will describe positive parenting strategies. This seminar introduces parents to six core building blocks for children to become confident and successful at school and beyond. These competencies are: • Showing respect to others. • Being considerate. • Having good communication and social skills. • Having healthy self-esteem. • Being a good […]

Raising Confident Competent Children (Virtual)

Seminar topic to include Raising Confident Competent Children Parents are introduced to six core building blocks for children to manage their feelings and become resilient in dealing with life stress. These competencies are: • Recognizing and accepting feelings. • Expressing feelings appropriately. • Building a positive outlook. • Developing coping skills. • Dealing with negative […]